Quant Resources for Traders.
Notas específicas sobre a estratégia de opções Karen Super Trader.
Notas específicas sobre a estratégia de opções Karen Super Trader.
Preciso de algumas confirmações de outros através do Facebook.
A Karen usa as Bandas Bollinger, que é uma ferramenta técnica para encontrar preços de exercício específicos que provavelmente não serão alcançados com base no atual ambiente de mercado.
Ao usar esta ferramenta, a Karen pode encontrar preços de exercício que provavelmente não serão alcançados, para colocar negócios que são aproximadamente 56 dias até a expiração.
Usa volatilidade implícita para:
Ela usa gráficos para medir os gráficos de volatilidade VXX e OTM para encontrar níveis quando a volatilidade implícita é rica ou barata. A técnica que a Karen usa para mitigar o risco é evitar o Lick (Net Liquidating Value). O lick é aplicado a opções de pagamento antecipado pago por uma troca.
A estratégia de Karen também é uma gama curta, o que significa que, à medida que o mercado se move contra ela, as posições ficam piores a uma taxa maior. A Karen também experimenta grandes balanços em retornos, com perdas de mais de 4% em um mês, mas os retornos de reversão foram muito maiores do que os retornos adversos.
Seu método é coletar renda diretamente de escrever opções na maior parte desnudas. Pelo que entendi, ela escreve nus coloca perto do fundo dos balanços e vende chamadas nuas perto do topo das baloiços. Ela usou Bollinger Bands e Fib números para o tempo.
& # 8230; negocia 12% do dinheiro e 10% das chamadas de dinheiro. Ela corta as opções nuas quando eles têm muita volatilidade implícita. Essas opções são colocadas no sweet spot que será quando eles terão um declínio rápido no premium. Desta vez, a decadência do prémio é basicamente conhecida como theta.
Acho que entendo como ela usa as bandas de Bollinger. Os preços de exercício que ela coloca estão na borda ou ligeiramente fora das Bandas de Bollinger. Veja o gráfico abaixo. Se a posição se mover contra ela, ela vai colocar ainda mais, o que é uma estratégia de dupla redução. As Bandas Bollinger são definidas em 2 divisões em uma média móvel de 20 dias.
(veja o gráfico no link acima)
Aqui está um gráfico do SPY e isso pode ser onde ela coloca suas negociações de opção. A venda de nus coloca no fundo e vende chamadas nuas no topo das bandas de Bollinger. Esta é a minha estimativa do que ela faz, mas não pode ser confirmada. & lt; & # 8211; quem quer confirmar isso?
Karen mantém seus olhos na volatilidade implícita e escreve as opções quando a volatilidade é rica e tira-as quando é barato. Ela usa uma técnica para mitigar riscos e para evitar o Lick (Net Liquidating Value). Lick é aplicado à opção inicial premium-paid cancelada pela troca.
Concentre-se estritamente na venda premium e no uso de Bandas Bollinger para ver os desvios padrão em uma forma gráfica, preferindo colocar negócios fora de dois desvios padrão para os preços atuais. Karen revisou sua estratégia para se concentrar na venda de estrangulamentos de índice largos em SPX, RUT e NDX.
Hoje, ela negocia principalmente o índice S & P 500 (SPX), que, além das vantagens fiscais, tem otimização, liquidez e tamanho da comissão, ao contrário do SPY, que ela diz que é muito caro para ela negociar de forma eficaz.
Quando a volatilidade é alta, a Karen The Supertrader troca constantemente, vende e coleta premium. Se a volatilidade é baixa, ela geralmente deixa suas posições do mês da frente expirar sem valor. Para ela, boa volatilidade é quando o VIX tem entre 18 e 20.
Karen também escora posições - posições de abertura em diferentes expirações e sempre tentando vender chamadas e colocar 95% OTM (fora do dinheiro) ou dois desvios padrão de distância.
Para o gerenciamento de riscos também está listado no link TastyTrade.
OBSERVAÇÃO Eu agora posto minhas ALERTAS DE NEGOCIAÇÃO na minha conta pessoal de FACEBOOK e TWITTER. Não se preocupe porque não publico vídeos de gato estúpidos ou o que eu como!
Super operador de opções
Você quer investir no setor de negociação de opções binárias, mas não sabe como começar? Você quer mais transparência e melhores lucros? Aqui está uma excelente notícia para você. Você chegou ao site perfeito para saber mais sobre os melhores corretores de opções binárias. e para aprender mais sobre as melhores plataformas.
Nossa equipe está se esforçando para fornecer as dicas e revisões mais úteis que poderiam ajudá-lo a trocar opções binárias on-line de forma fácil e simples. Além disso, estamos fornecendo uma ferramenta forte para comparar corretores de opções binárias que seriam uma ferramenta útil se você é novo nesta indústria.
Comece Com Comparando Brokers de Opções Binárias por Depósito Mínimo, Classificação, USA Traders permitido.
Os corretores de opções binárias têm seus diferentes esquemas e regras sobre os bônus de inscrição. Você pode obter até 100% do valor do depósito inicial como o bônus de boas-vindas. Às vezes, os corretores de opções binárias oferecem bônus ainda maiores. Mas antes de selecionar um corretor de opções binário com base no bônus de boas-vindas oferecido, você deve garantir que você tenha passado por suas regras e regulamentos. Os corretores de opções binárias adicionam muitos termos e condições que às vezes podem ser difíceis de seguir. Por exemplo, o depósito inicial mínimo pode ser definido acima do valor do depósito habitual, se desejar o bônus de boas-vindas. Vocês também serão obrigados a trocar um volume significativo antes de poderem receber o bônus de boas-vindas.
Introdução ao Mercado de Valores e Opções Binárias de Negociação.
O mercado de ações é algo fascinante. É uma plataforma transparente de negociação tanto para investidores como para empresas. Também desempenha um papel vital no crescimento do comércio em um país. Quando uma empresa precisa arrecadar fundos e se cumprir certos termos e condições, pode vender parte da sua participação aos investidores e é aí que o mercado de ações entra em cena, pois fornece uma plataforma adequada para que a empresa o faça. Algumas pessoas fizeram uma fortuna ao investir nela, algumas tiveram muita chance de negociar em mercados de ações e faleceram trabalhando com ações. Então, é absolutamente necessário entender como o mercado funciona antes de investir uma enorme soma apenas com base na sorte.
Existem inúmeras formas de investir em uma bolsa de valores e opções binárias. Um desses métodos que está ganhando muita popularidade ultimamente é "Opções de Par de Negociação". O comércio binário é um investimento de muito curto prazo baseado na previsão do preço de um ativo. O fator de risco envolvido na negociação de opções binárias é muito alto, assim como o dividendo. Suponha que você invoque seu dinheiro acreditando a previsão de que o valor de um bem em particular irá crescer. Se você fizer um bom lucro, mas se a previsão falhar e o estoque realmente diminui, você perde tudo o que você investiu. Então, é como jogar. Mas para as pessoas que entendem o comportamento do mercado de ações é uma espécie de jackpot.
Serviços de Sinais de Opções Binárias.
Opções binárias Os serviços de sinal são bastante comuns no mundo das negociações binárias, pois se revelam bastante úteis para o comerciante. Nesse sentido, os especialistas da plataforma analisam o mercado e informam o comerciante quando as condições são favoráveis, e quais são suas ações.
Os Serviços Fornidos por Opções Binárias Os sinais têm certas limitações. O principal fator é que é necessário que você responda instantaneamente para se beneficiar disso. Isso ocorre porque a análise e os dados fornecidos podem ser válidos por um período de tempo específico, após o qual os dados ficarão obsoletos.
Gerenciamento de Risco de Opções Binárias.
Gerenciar riscos ao negociar é muito importante. A maioria das grandes perdas sofridas pelos comerciantes deve-se à falta de planos de gerenciamento de risco suficientes. Ao negociar em opções de Par, os comerciantes podem gerenciar riscos desenvolvendo plano sobre quando e quanto investir em um determinado comércio. Abaixo estão uma dica simples sobre como gerenciar suas opções de negociação de risco.
As opções de par são conduzidas por previsões feitas pelo comerciante. Uma vez que o número de ativos disponíveis para negociação é grande, é melhor recomendar o comércio de ativos somente quando confortável. O nível de conforto pode ser construído ao obter mais informações sobre as afirmações. Para ativos como ações e índices, pode ser fácil obter informações em comparação com outros ativos.
Opções Binárias de Negociação é rentável se você fizer isso da maneira correta, por isso que estamos aqui, uma das etapas mais importantes que você deve levar em consideração quando você começa a operar as opções on-line é aprender primeiro, como você pode ter visto a internet está cheio de recursos on-line para aprender opções, Além disso, ler mais e mais avaliações de Opções Binárias tornaria mais fácil para você saber qual é o corretor de opção binário mais adequado para você, dependendo da sua localização, sua estratégia preferida, montante para investir ..etc. Além disso, é realmente importante certificar-se de que você tenha lido muitas avaliações de fraudes de opções binárias sobre o corretor que você vai usar, ao fazer isso, você será 100% positivo que você está negociando de forma segura e uma plataforma segura.
Não hesite em contactar-nos se precisar de ajuda extra, ficamos mais do que felizes em tornar a sua sessão de negociação mais rentável.
Maximize lucros escolhendo o melhor corretor.
Algumas verificações padrão que podem ser feitas antes de selecionar o corretor incluem.
Verifique o corretor, que oferece retornos máximos. Mantenha acima de oito por cento retorna como o corte ao finalizar a lista de corretores potenciais. Leia alguns comentários do corretor para saber mais sobre sua plataforma, políticas, vantagens e desvantagens Verifique os requisitos de depósito estabelecidos pelo corretor. Com depósito mínimo, você pode começar a negociar. Alguns deles também oferecem equilíbrio zero para começar. A experiência do corretor no mercado de negociação binária é a importação. É muito importante comparar corretores com base nos retornos fornecidos em comparação com outros corretores concorrentes. Alguns corretores oferecem altos retornos não podem negociar em alguns países. Portanto, certifique-se de que os produtos dos países que você deseja negociar são oferecidos por um corretor.
A importância do corretor na negociação de opções binárias é muito importante. Ao usar corretores, os comerciantes podem ganhar mais dinheiro e colocar negócios facilmente através de um processo automático. Uma vez que as opções binárias são investimentos de curto prazo, a perda ou lucro pode ser grande. Com a experiência do corretor, é fácil fazer um julgamento correto no momento certo. Leia, pesquisa e, em seguida, maximize os lucros no mercado de negociação binária.
Super operador de opções
O melhor programa para comerciantes que são.
comprometido em ser o melhor.
A missão do programa Super Trader é não só transformar sua negociação, mas também a sua vida.
Para realizar essa missão, você se comprometerá a investir uma quantidade substancial de seu tempo, dinheiro e esforço nos próximos anos.
Independentemente da sua experiência comercial anterior, você trabalhará em conjunto com o Dr. Tharp para definir objetivos específicos para você se encontrar durante o programa e, em conjunto, você também criará um currículo personalizado para ajudá-lo a alcançar esses objetivos.
Um Programa Único.
A missão do The Super Trader Program é transformar totalmente sua negociação e sua vida para melhor. Para realizar esta missão, você deve estar preparado para investir em si mesmo de muitas maneiras. Enquanto investir em sua educação comercial é um grande passo financeiramente, estamos confiantes de que seus retornos serão enormes quando você se comprometer a investir seu tempo e amp; melhor esforço e abordagem do programa com um intenso desejo de se transformar na melhor versão de você. Este é um processo em que você se envolverá nos próximos anos e requer uma consideração cuidadosa.
Independentemente da sua experiência comercial anterior, os alunos trabalharão com o Dr. Tharp para definir objetivos específicos para atender durante o programa e criar um currículo personalizado para ajudá-los a alcançar esses objetivos. Este programa é único porque cada aluno vem de um histórico diferente e também possui diferentes objetivos comerciais. Os alunos serão completos nas aulas do Super Trader do Dr. Tharp, participarão de oficinas regulares e enviarão relatórios semanais ao Dr. Tharp descrevendo seu progresso. Ele também ajudará a orientá-lo a resolver todos os problemas que o impedem em sua vida comercial - muitos estudantes percebem que esses mesmos problemas também são espelhados em suas vidas pessoais. Eles são o que o impedem de ser feliz sem motivo algum .
O Core of the Super Trader Program.
A principal missão do Instituto Van Tharp (VTI) é ajudar as pessoas a se transformarem, o que realizamos através da metáfora comercial. O Programa Super Trader é a maneira mais abrangente e efetiva de alcançar nossa missão - e podemos aceitar um número limitado de alunos qualificados e motivados neste programa a cada ano. Super Trader é muito mais do que apenas descobrir como negociar de forma mais lucrativa. Na verdade, a maioria dos alunos do nosso programa Super Trader diz que suas transformações pessoais eram tão importantes, se não mais, do que a melhoria comercial / financeira que eles viam como resultado de sua perseverança ao longo do programa. Temos a honra de ser uma parte tão importante de suas jornadas de transformação, e que podemos suportar seus objetivos comerciais desta maneira.
O próprio programa é projetado em torno dos elementos principais que devem ser dominados para negociar nos níveis mais altos. Como a pesquisa do Dr. Tharp provou, transformando o self, tratando seu negócio como um negócio e desenvolvendo sistemas de negociação que se encaixam em todos vocês trabalham juntos para garantir o sucesso.
Não importa o mercado que escolher, ou o sistema que você está usando - o comércio é 100% psicológico. Suas crenças, estados mentais e estratégias mentais informam o resultado do seu tempo nos mercados. Por exemplo, no nível mais básico, a tarefa de executar um comércio envolve a seguinte estratégia mental:
1) Ver o sinal que requer que você entre.
2) Reconhecendo que o sinal é o seu sinal de entrada.
3) Sentir-se bem com isso, e então ...
4) Atuando sobre isso abrindo uma posição.
Se você mudasse essa sequência de eventos mentais apenas um pouco, mesmo hesitando um pouco perguntando-se o que poderia dar errado, então é provável que você imagine algo errado, não se sinta bem como resultado, e então não pode para agir no momento apropriado. Observe que mesmo a fase de ação da negociação é psicológica. Porque o comércio é inteiramente psicológico, qualquer problema psicológico não resolvido aparecerá em aspectos de sua negociação. Problemas psicológicos são revelados nos povos & rsquo; vida pessoal também, mas os mercados são um lugar especialmente caro para aprender sobre esses déficits. В Fora de todo o programa, a fase psicológica normalmente leva o tempo mais longo a completar.
Durante seus 30 anos de experiência como treinador comercial, o Dr. Tharp também descobriu que os comerciantes bem sucedidos tratam de negociar como um negócio, ao contrário de um hobby - como muitos comerciantes tendem a fazer. Quando você vê sua negociação como uma empresa, ela permite cultivar disciplina, estrutura e uma abordagem profissional que promova negociações consistentes e lucrativas. A maioria das pessoas que desejam dirigir um negócio bem sucedido sabe que eles precisam de um plano de negócios completo - e a negociação não é exceção. Um plano de negócios atua como um guia para todo o envolvido com esse negócio, e isso se aplica igualmente, se não mais, a um negócio comercial. A segunda fase do programa Super Trader começa a enfocar os desejos dos alunos para a vida dos sonhos, e integrar isso com um plano de negócios permite o foco intenso e direção.
Finalmente, os comerciantes devem usar sistemas de expectativa positiva que os encaixam bem e os tipos de mercado apropriados, para serem bem-sucedidos na negociação. Para alcançar essa faceta do programa, um comerciante deve:
Possuir uma compreensão completa das partes de um sistema de comércio, O processo de desenvolvimento de sistemas, que tipo de sistemas realmente se adequam a eles, e como sistemas diferentes funcionam em diferentes tipos de mercado.
Para se formar no programa, os alunos devem demonstrar conhecimento, e também a aplicação desse conhecimento, nos mercados, como evidenciado pelos resultados de negociação ao vivo.
O Dr. Tharp tomou os elementos principais para negociação bem-sucedida e desenvolveu um processo de cinco etapas para o Programa Super Trader, abordado em cada um dos segmentos do Programa Super Trader. O programa é dividido em Super Trader I, II e, a partir de julho de 2016, um novo nível III. Para graduar o programa, você deve completar todos os cinco componentes para a satisfação do Dr. Tharp.
Super Trader I - Etapa 1 e 2 Super Trader II - Etapa 3 Super Trader III - Passos 4 e 5.
Passo 1 - Requer que os alunos tenham uma compreensão completa dos princípios de negociação da Tharp Think. Isso inclui a informação contida no Super Trader e Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom. Os alunos também devem aprender o Tharp Concepts e conhecer todos os termos em nosso glossário - ambos os quais podem ser encontrados em nosso site: vantharp. Além desses princípios básicos, os alunos se tornarão proficientes nas bases de estratégias de dimensionamento de posição, jogando o jogo de dimensionamento de posição, completando o curso de e-Learning de dimensionamento de posição e passando o auto-teste no Guia definitivo para estratégias de dimensionamento de posição . Uma das primeiras lições do programa envolve a instalação dessas crenças na sua neurologia para que elas se tornem uma segunda natureza para você. No entanto, antes que os estudantes realizem isso, eles devem entender completamente os conceitos para se certificar de que eles se encaixam neles.
Passo 2 - Concentra-se na psicologia pessoal de um aluno. Para se inscrever para o programa Super Trader, um aluno já deve ter participado do Peak Performance 101 Workshop (ou Curso Oneness Awakening), e os alunos podem começar imediatamente o curso Peak Performance Home Study, se eles ainda não o fizeram. O Dr. Tharp estruturou um conjunto de vinte e uma lições do Super Trader para levá-lo além do curso de estudo Home Peak Performance e ajudar os alunos a explorar sua psicologia mais completamente.
Durante este passo do programa, os alunos irão participar de outras oficinas psicológicas na série Peak Performance: Peak 202, Peak 203 - The Happiness Workshop, Peak 204 - Modelando grande comércio através de estratégias mentais, Trading Genius, Infinite Wealth e Oneeness Awakening Workshop . O próximo passo é completar Libby Adams & rsquo; Curso de 28 dias.
Quando os alunos completaram as vinte e uma lições psicológicas para a aprovação do Dr. Tharp e podem documentar cinco principais problemas que mudaram para eles através do programa, uma importante faceta da parcela psicológica da transformação comercial estará completa. Isso significa que eles só terão cinco transformações em sua vida? Não, claro que não! Mas, uma vez que os alunos tenham documentado cinco, os alunos devem ser capazes de reconhecer os problemas psicológicos futuros à medida que surgiram e lidar com eles com as habilidades que aprenderam na primeira parte de sua jornada. Certamente, outras coisas devem surgir à medida que os estudantes se entrem nas aprendizagens técnicas no Super Trader II.
Passo 3 - Os alunos trabalham na criação da vida dos sonhos e integrando-o com um manual de negócios criado para o seu negócio comercial. O Blueprint for Trading Success Workshop fornece um modelo básico para os alunos seguir. Nós costumávamos exigir um plano de negócios tradicional dos estudantes, mas ficamos encantados quando alguns estudantes do Super Trader começaram a apresentar seus planos de negócios de maneiras muito pessoais e criativas. Podemos ver o quanto eles realmente gostavam de ler e completar seus planos, porque eram ricos com seus sonhos e planos para o futuro. Este novo formato de manual de negócios é agora um requisito - os alunos devem completar isso dentro dos parâmetros solicitados, mas de uma maneira que seja significativa para eles.
Passo 4 - Esta etapa permite que você obtenha uma compreensão completa dos fatores-chave no design do sistema. A forma de desenvolver um sistema de negociação ganhador que se encaixa no curso de estudo em casa e a oficina em pessoa correspondente, bem como nossas oficinas de estratégia mais avançadas, o ajudam a criar pelo menos três sistemas que atendam às suas crenças, atendam aos seus critérios de negociação, se encaixam em diferentes tipos de mercado e não estão correlacionados. Antes de começar a trocar esses sistemas com tamanhos de posição completos, você precisa saber ou estimar a pontuação SQNВ® de cada sistema em cada tipo de mercado antes que o Dr. Tharp o aprova comercializando cada sistema.
Passo 5 - Ensina aos alunos a gerenciar seus erros comerciais. Uma vez que os alunos começam a rastrear seus erros e determinam o valor múltiplo do R de cada um deles, eles aprendem rapidamente como não repetir esses erros para que eles possam cumprir seus objetivos comerciais de um ano. Uma vez que um aluno demonstrou proficiência na negociação em um nível de alta eficiência (pelo menos 95% em três sistemas) por um período sustentado (mais de 100 negócios), eles podem se formar no programa. В.
Para ser considerado um graduado do Super Trader, os alunos devem completar as cinco etapas. No passado, esse processo pode demorar até seis anos para ser concluído, dependendo do plano de fundo, do nível de compromisso e do tempo de cada tradutor, e quanto tempo cada pessoa alocou nos estudos Super Trader. Nós fizemos algumas mudanças no programa que permitirão que os alunos trabalhem no que acreditamos ser um ritmo muito mais rápido, com alguma orientação adicional no início do programa que deve remover alguns obstáculos psicológicos adicionais e proporcionar aos alunos lições cada vez mais difíceis à medida que progridem no programa. Esperamos que a maioria dos alunos possa completar a maior parte do trabalho em três anos, com tempo adicional disponível para estudantes que desejam demorar mais.
Os alunos realmente têm um pouco de liberdade neste programa auto-estimulado - a rapidez com que os alunos passam pelas lições depende da quantidade de compromisso que você está disposto a dar à sua educação comercial. Ainda permitiremos que os comerciantes demore até seis anos para completar o programa, com o entendimento de que a taxa de matrícula adicional será devida após os três primeiros anos do programa.
Atendimento ao Peak Performance 101 e / ou ao Curso Oneness Awakening (nos últimos 12 meses), durante os quais o Dr. Tharp pode ter uma sensação de responsabilidade pessoal, consciência e desejo de um candidato para trabalhar com o fator mais importante em seus negociando eles próprios.
Apresentação de um pedido e renúncia, incluindo uma declaração pessoal de compromisso.
Conclusão do livro Trading Beyond the Matrix: a pílula vermelha para comerciantes e investidores. Â Solicitamos que você leia o livro da Matrix porque isso ajudará você a entender o escopo do que você está entrando quando você se inscrever no programa.
Prova de que o programa faz sentido financeiro para você. Pagar a taxa de matrícula para o programa não deve resultar em sentimento de insegurança sobre suas finanças, ou incapacidade de realizar um retorno atraente no investimento financeiro do Super Trader.
A aprovação do Instituto Van Tharp.
Recebimento de um pagamento inicial.
 Objetivos do Super Trader I:
Complete vinte e uma lições psicológicas para a satisfação do Dr. Tharp.
Documentar cinco grandes transformações da vida.
O que você receberá no Super Trader I.
Todos os produtos do Van Tharp Institute já estão no mercado, além de novos produtos desenvolvidos pela VTI durante o período do Super Trader I. ** Exclui: materiais Super Trader II, produtos de fornecedores externos, certos & ldquo; special & rdquo; Eventos Oneness Awakening. В.
Vinte e um lições psicológicas do Super Trader. Você receberá a Lição 1 na sua carta introdutória, e você acessará o saldo das lições em nosso portal de colaboração online.
Consultoria pessoal do Dr. Tharp e tempo de coaching: monitorando sua linha do tempo, relatórios de progresso semanais e suas lições do Super Trader.
Peak Performance 202 e 203 - atendimento ilimitado, com preferência de assento dada aos Super Traders que ainda não participaram deste curso.
Peak Performance 204, Mental Strategies - atendimento ilimitado, com preferência de assento dada aos Super Traders que ainda não participaram deste curso.
Workshop de riqueza infinita - atendimento ilimitado.
Trading Genius Workshop - a ser oferecido em 2018.
Oneness Awakening Course - atendimento ilimitado.
Planejamento e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas - atendimento ilimitado.
O Super Trader Summit anual, além do acesso aos anos anteriores e rsquo; Gravações de vídeo Super Trader Summit.
The Super Trader Awakening Turbocharge - Um curso Oneness personalizado de 3 dias desenvolvido pela Van e oferecido como parte do Super Trader Summit. Pode envolver matrículas adicionais se os instrutores convidados estiverem convidados a falar (geralmente isso é menos de US $ 500).
Pensamento de Sistemas: Dominando seus Mapas de Negociação com Matrix Thinking Tharp Think (via gravação de vídeo)
Libby Adams & rsquo; Curso de transformação de 28 dias, que inclui a instrução e o treinamento de um a um.
Acesso ao banco de dados de colaboração on-line Super Trader (após qualquer período de teste).
Uma nota sobre oficinas de comércio no Super Trader I.
Os estudantes ficam desanimados de participar de oficinas técnicas durante esta fase, embora você tenha permissão para fazê-lo. Se estudantes do Super Trader escolho assistir a um workshop técnico, eles podem pagar descontos de $ 2.000 por oficina, que é reembolsável até 14 dias antes do início do workshop em questão. Se o aluno cancelar a sua participação em uma oficina técnica menos de 14 dias após o evento, o pagamento não será reembolsado. Os pagamentos feitos com a intenção de chegar a qualquer oficina técnica estão fora da estrutura do programa e nenhum crédito será realizado para uso posterior para se candidatar a futuras mensalidades devidas, se houver.
A partir de 1º de agosto de 2017 - 28 de fevereiro de 2018 (o preço aumentará de 1 de março de 2018 para US $ 67.500)
Um primeiro pagamento de US $ 42.500 que devemos antes do início do programa. Um segundo pagamento de US $ 17.500 será devido 6 meses após o início do programa.
Com base em um programa de três anos, o valor médio é de US $ 20.000 por ano.
Estes pagamentos de matrícula cobrem um período contínuo de três anos para completar o programa. A mensalidade exata devido variará de acordo com os créditos que você pode receber, como resultado de compras e workshops anteriores. Atualmente, você pode receber 100% de crédito por compras e oficinas atendidas dentro de três meses de calendário da data de início proposta, que normalmente é atribuída ao primeiro mês. As compras fora deste prazo serão creditadas em 50%, até 10 anos antes da data de início proposta.
Não haverá matrícula devido ao entrar no Super Trader II, desde que tenha pelo menos 12 meses restantes no período inicial de propinas de 3 anos. Se você tiver menos de 12 meses, a taxa de matrícula será avaliada em incrementos de um ano, por até três anos consecutivos. Sua taxa de matrícula por um ano adicional (se for devido) será de US $ 20.000 por um ano adicional. Se for necessário que você prorrogue seu programa para completar qualquer parcela, a taxa de matrícula será calculada com a taxa anual que estava em vigor no momento da sua aceitação inicial.
Se você terminar o Super Trader I e o Super Trader II, e você ainda tem pelo menos 12 meses no período inicial de 3 anos, então também não haverá matrícula devido ao Super Trader III. Mais uma vez, se você tiver menos do que Após 12 meses, você será avaliado como indicado acima por um ano adicional.
No final do Super Trader III, você não será obrigado a pagar uma taxa de matrícula adicional, desde que tenha cumprido todos os requisitos anteriores, e cada um dos três sistemas foi aprovado pelo Dr. Tharp. Todos os alunos provavelmente terão trabalho adicional que precisam concluir para a formatura, que podem continuar após o período inicial de três anos. Por exemplo, um dos seus sistemas pode ser projetado para funcionar em uma capacidade de longo prazo - neste cenário, pode demorar algum tempo para que este sistema produza resultados comerciais. A graduação ocorrerá no futuro, mas não é necessário pagar a taxa de matrícula enquanto a ação do seu sistema está acontecendo. No entanto, uma vez que seu prazo de matrícula chegou ao fim, você não poderá comparecer a oficinas ou outros programas VTI como você fez enquanto estudava ativamente dentro do seu programa. Há certos casos em que acordos especiais podem ser feitos a esse respeito, a critério do Dr. Tharp.
Super Trader I Extensions.
Em ocasiões muito raras, alguns alunos não apresentaram o esforço necessário para obter resultados reais e ver o progresso quantificável em suas lições. No caso improvável de que um aluno permaneça no Super Trader I ao longo do período de três anos, as opções disponíveis para eles dependerão do que eles conseguiram até a data.
Se um aluno tiver terminado cinco aulas ou menos, não receberá uma extensão para completar o resto das aulas e, por extensão, não poderá seguir em frente ao Super Trader II. Se um aluno tiver terminado cinco lições para a satisfação de Van e eles desejam continuar no programa, Van pode aprovar uma extensão por ano, por até três anos. A taxa de matrícula será avaliada com base na taxa anual no momento em que o aluno entrou no programa (US $ 20.000 com vigência a partir de 1º de agosto de 2017.) Depois de efetuar esse pagamento, você estará "ldquo; carregado" $ 1.500 por mês até você terminar o Super Trader I. Se você terminar em menos de dez meses, do que qualquer dinheiro e lqquo; restos de & rdquo; do seu pagamento de extensão serão creditados em relação ao seu custo do Super Trader II.
Conclusão do Super Trader I.
Prova de compromisso com base nos resultados do Super Trader I. Por exemplo, se alguém pretendesse trabalhar a tempo inteiro no Super Trader I (não estava empregado) e eles levaram mais de três anos completos para completar a fase, isso seria um sinal de falta de compromisso. Essa pessoa não pode ser admitida no Super Trader II.
A aprovação do Instituto Van Tharp.
Recebimento do pagamento para qualquer taxa devida.
Trabalho contínuo sobre o trabalho psicológico.
Conclusão de um manual pessoal de negócios, aprovado pelo Dr. Tharp.
O que você receberá no Super Trader II.
Novos produtos desenvolvidos e divulgados pelo Instituto Van Tharp durante o período Super Trader II (excluídos os fornecedores externos).
Acesso a todas as oficinas da VTI - incluindo oficinas técnicas e psicológicas (workshop Peak Performance 202 com base em assentos).
Do Dr. Tharp - Monitoramento contínuo de sua linha de tempo e relatórios de progresso semanais. Coaching, revisão e aprovação de sua integração da vida dos seus sonhos com o desenvolvimento de seu manual de negócios.
Acesso ao banco de dados de colaboração on-line do Super Trader, incluindo os recursos da Super Trader II.
Os requisitos de conclusão para o ST2 serão a conclusão de todas as lições e a aceitação do seu manual de negócios comerciais.
O Dr. Tharp reestruturou o programa para agora incluir um terceiro nível.
Esta seção do programa oferece mais um ano para fortalecer e desenvolver seus sistemas. Ele incluirá suporte para você realizar todos os itens seguintes:
Ser capaz de entender o tipo de mercado bem o suficiente para desenvolver seus próprios sistemas para cada tipo de mercado. Nós planejamos ter um curso para ambos os negócios nos mercados Bear Market e Sideways até o final de 2017. В.
Decida em três sistemas diferentes que você pretende trocar. Quando você escolhe esses sistemas, você entenderá completamente:
A lógica por trás deles Como eles funcionarão em diferentes tipos de mercado Se eles se encaixam Por que eles funcionam, e quando você sabe que eles pararam de funcionar.
If you aren’t trading good systems yet, we have a Super Trader Playbook with 93 trading systems in it. В These systems have been presented at prior workshops no longer taught at VTI, have come from current workshops, or are systems developed by Super Traders, etc. В.
Only Super Traders have access to this playbook. В.
You will have the opportunity to improve upon three of the systems from the playbook, with the purpose of improving each of them. Understand the systems given in Dr. Ken Long’s workshops, Gabriel Grammatidis’ workshops, and the Bear Market workshop. В If you pick those systems, realize that Van is not an expert in those systems but the people who teach them are. Ken’s systems require that you be a systems thinker and Gabriel’s systems require you to master his pattern recognition.
Understand the online courses in systems and talk to Van (and others) about the limitations.
As mentioned earlier, if you have 12 months or more remaining from your original three years tuition, then Super Trader III does not have any further tuition due. В If there is less than 12 months remaining upon completion of Super Trader II, then the student must pay tuition for the upcoming year prior to entering the next phase. However, once a student’s systems have been approved, there is no additional charge for the time it might take to graduate. We expect that virtually everyone should be able to complete the Super Trader III system approval requirements within the allotted year.
The purpose of Super Trader III is to become a Van Tharp Institute Super Trader Graduate. Once you have your systems approved, then you will have unlimited time to graduate. To become a graduate, students will have successfully completed Super Trader I, Super Trader II, then completed Super Trader III requirements including executing 100 trades profitably and at 95% efficiency with at least a 10% contribution to the 100 trades coming from each of the approved three systems. Most people have no idea of the power of having three non-correlated systems with good SQNВ® scores that work in different market types, and that they can trade at 95% efficiency or better.
Criteria for Admittance to Super Trader III.
Completion of Super Trader II Attendance of at least one How to Develop A Winning Trading System That Fits You workshop, and therefore a thorough understanding of the basics of how to develop good systems for each of the 6 market types. Attendance at several technical workshops, such as Day Trading or Trading in a Bear Market and Down Markets. The Van Tharp Institute’s approval. Receipt of payment for any tuition due.
Development of three systems that work in a particular market type – approved by Dr. Tharp. Evidence of knowledge and understanding of position sizing™ strategies.
100 trades completed at 95% or better efficiency. These 100 trades must include at least 10 trades from each ofВ three approved systems, and must include consecutive trades during your defined trading period. Students are not allowed to “cherry-pick” 100 trades out of a larger number of trades.
What You Will Receive In Super Trader III.
Any new products developed and released by the Van Tharp Institute during your Super Trader III period (Outside vendors excluded.) Access to all VTI workshops— including both technical and psychological workshops (Peak Performance 202 workshop on a seating available basis.) From Dr. Tharp – Continued monitoring of your timeline and weekly progress reports. Coaching, reviewing and approving of your business handbook and your trading systems. Monitoring of your trading performance. Access at our facilities to recordings of VTI technical workshops – nearly all of which have been recorded. Access to the Super Trader online collaboration database including Super Trader II only resources.
Super Trader III Program Cost.
If you complete the full program in three years there is no additional cost for Super Trader III. If a student has used most of their three years completing Super Trader I and II, then the tuition for Super Trader III will be assessed at the yearly rate at the time they enrolled – for example, the cost would be $16,750 for students enrolling in the program prior to July 31st 2016, if and only if they had less than 12 months remaining on their original time prior to entering Super Trader III.
The cost of the Super Trader program may seem steep—that is, until you consider the value of the products and services that the program provides. В Here is a list of what you get as a Super Trader:В.
1. Every core Van Tharp Institute product.
The Peak Performance Home Study Course How to Develop a Winning Trading System That Fits You Home Study Course The Definitive Guide to Position Sizing Strategies Business Planning for Traders Audio Program Introduction to Position Sizing Strategies Elearning course The Position Sizing Trading Simulation Game (Full version) Tharp Think Essentials Webinar ABCs of Trading Psychology of Trading Audio program Any new products added that are not exclusive to the Super II program.
2.В Attendance at every public Van Tharp Institute workshop.
3. Attendance at exclusive Super Trader workshops. В.
Specifically, this includes the annual Super Trader Summit. It also includes workshops that are sometimes presented first to Super Traders only. В.
4.В Access to the Super Trader online collaboration database.
5. Dr. Tharp’s personal consulting and coaching.
This is a large part of the value of the program. В Over the span of the Super Trader Program, Van spends a number of hours with each Super Trader reviewing and advising them on the following materials:
The twenty one psychological lessons in Super Trader I. (More lessons are in ST2) Your business plan Trading system ideas, development, and approval Trading logs and mistake management Weekly/quarterly progress reports.
With all the above mentioned products and services, the total value of the entire Super Trader Program is well over $200,000.В This should make the program costs seem significantly less than they may have up front. В.
Until 2011, the program cost $50,000 and Super Traders signed up for a two-year commitment, that's $25,000 per year. Now the full program (both Super Trader I and II) can cost you much less.
If you have as little as $200,000 in equity to invest, you could make up the cost of the program in terms of more consistent and profitable results in two years. All you’d have to do is increase your returns by 10% of your base capital each year, and you’d pay for the program.
One careless trading mistake on a $200,000 account could cost you $20,000 or more. This program instills in you a discipline to eliminate such mistakes and, thus, will pay for itself many times over. Furthermore, average investors with $200,000 could lose $50,000 easily in bear market conditions. But as a Super Trader student, you’ll develop a full-scale trading business plan that will help decrease your risk exposure and make profits instead—even in bear markets.
A four-year education at a top institution can easily cost you as much as $60,000 a year. Yet the value of that education doesn’t even come close to the value of the Super Trader Program. It’s an investment in your career and in your life!
You’ll be one of the very few people in the world that get personal access to and private consulting with Dr. Tharp. He could make a lot of money consulting with banks and fund managers, but he prefers to work with individual traders who are truly committed to being their best.  Your total investment for the entire program is a lot less than what we could charge just for Van’s personal consulting time alone.
The first trader to sign up for Super Trader Program in the mid-90s made $50,000 within the first two months of being in the program, which significantly eclipsed his program cost (which was much lower then). The original Super Trader program had only half of the product and workshop offerings that are available now. If he was that successful with only those products and services, think about how much more profitable you could be today!
We hold one Super Trader Summit each year that includes presentations on psychological journeys, business plans, systems, and technical innovations by Super Trader students. В Guest speakers often join for presentations in person or by webinar. В Everyone in Super Trader I, Super Trader II & III can attend this annual event usually held the first week in December. В (Super Trader Post-Graduates who have graduated from the Super Trader program and continue trader training with the Van Tharp Institute may attend upon request.)
While we fill our workshop room to capacity currently at the Summit, we might have to turn some people away at some point in time in the future. To help minimize the chances for this, the Super Traders voted to remove the workshop room desks when that point comes and to fill the room instead with as many chairs that will fit. В At some point in the coming years, however, Super Traders wishing to attend may exceed the capacity of our workshop room; therefore, attendees will be given priority in the following manner:
Active Super Traders (in any of the three programs) who are presenting. Guest presenters. Active Super Trader Graduate. Active Super Trader II (with priority given to those who have been active the longest—since the start of the program or coming off of sabbatical). Active Super Trader I (with priority given to those who have been active the longest).
The Super Trader TurboCharge Workshop.
This is a three-day Oneness workshop designed to increase your level of consciousness. В It is open to everyone who is active in one of our programs, but seating is limited to 20 Super Traders. There is an additional fee for this event but Super Traders attend at a significantly reduced rate (generally under $500).
New Van Tharp Institute Workshops.
Super Traders are given priority to attend new workshops. Since they could easily fill one up, we tend to offer them at special times during the summer and/or adjacent to the Super Trader Summit.
New workshops are open to anyone active in any of our programs, anyone on the psychological completion plaque who is not active in our programs on a paid basis, and to the extent there is room, regular VTI clients. Super Traders will be given priority at new workshops in the following manner:
Inactive Super Traders on the psychological completion plaque (on a paid basis). Active Super Traders who respond by the cutoff date with the following priority: Active Super Trader Post-Graduates (This is a continuation program for those who finish I and II). Active Super Trader II (with priority given to those who have been active the longest). Active Super Trader I (with priority given to those who have been active the longest).
Video Recordings of Technical Workshops.
Recordings of most our technical workshops are available for screening at the VTI office for those active in Super Trader II & III, by request.
VTI guarantees all of our products and workshops; however, we provide no refunds and no guarantees for the Super Trader Program. Why?  We have two reasons.  First, you should only apply for the Super Trader Program once you are certain of the quality of our services. Most commonly, traders enroll in the program only after they have completed a home study course and attended one or more workshops.  They have experienced the quality of our programs first-hand and have no doubts about the value we deliver in our training.  Second, Dr. Tharp only wants to coach people who are completely committed to becoming great traders. It can be difficult to judge someone’s true level of commitment before admittance to the program.  If you feel like you need to have a refund policy, the Super Trader program isn’t for you just yet—or maybe it’s not for you at all.
That being said, we know that life happens, and we try to take that into account during your participation in any of our longer-term programs. If you need to take time off from working on your trading, we make allowances for that called sabbaticals. Sabbaticals must be submitted in writing at least two weeks prior to your requested start date. Dr. Tharp will approve or disapprove all sabbaticals applications submitted.
We are always available to help you in your journey to trading success—when you do your part. When you enroll in the Super Trader Program, you commit to a significant investment of your time and money. It is then up to you how you delegate your time. If spend your time doing other things instead of working on yourself or your systems, you are responsible for that choice and its consequences. Activities outside the focus area of commitment to the Super Trader Program are not considered an acceptable reason for taking a sabbatical.
Acceptable Reasons for Sabbatical.
You want to stop the program, but you have not made all of your payments. The new program offers two periods when you could stop: 1) prior to the second payment for Super Trader I and 2) prior to committing to Super Trader II. Serious health problem for you or an immediate family member. Death in your immediate family (spouse or child). A natural disaster. Birth of a child (for a limited period). If this is a possibility, please let us know when you apply for the program. Special circumstances with Dr. Tharp’s approval. At Dr. Tharp’s recommendation.
Unacceptable Reasons for Sabbaticals.
You want to take a vacation. You have relatives visiting. You want to take time off to do other program. You decide you are not committed to trading or the program.  We do not allow students to take a sabbatical for this reason, but you do have two points in the program when you can de-commit from it. You have one of the legitimate reasons listed above but you didn’t tell Dr. Tharp or his staff about it until the event already happened.
Is your objective for Super Traders to be able to trade great systems at 95% efficiency?
Trading great systems at 95% efficiency is one of the requirements for graduation, but it’s not the objective of the program. В The objective of the program is massive personal transformation and hopefully, a big shift in consciousness. We’d like for each Super Trader eventually to score consistently 80+ on the happiness test and students who have completed Super Trader I frequently do score that high consistently. В When you achieve this sort of transformation, anything is possible, including being able to trade great systems at better than 95% efficiency.
Can anyone join the Super Trader program?
The program is not a good fit for everyone. From a practical standpoint, you need to have sufficient capital for the program to make financial sense. In addition, because of the intense psychological nature of the program, you must believe that you are totally responsible for your trading results and be eager to work on yourself. That’s why attendance at either the Peak Performance 101 Workshop (which focuses on trader psychology) or the Oneness Awakening Workshop (which focuses on spiritual development) is a prerequisite for the program. Dr. Tharp wants to assess your receptivity to certain ideas. В If you are not receptive to what we teach in those workshops, then the program will not be a good fit for you.
The program is a lot of work and some of it is very, very challenging. We look for total commitment. Totally committed people seem to always reach their objectives regardless of obstacles.
What kind of money do I need for the Super Trader Program to make financial sense?
If you have $200,000 or more to trade, then this program can make a lot of sense. You could easily save the cost of the program by learning simply how to avoid a few large losses. Furthermore, it’s our intention that you would be able to recoup the total cost of the program within a few years.
If you have $50,000 to $100,000, then this program probably doesn’t make financial sense. Instead, take the time to learn about, and achieve, financial freedom. However, we look at each application and may decide on a case-by-case basis to allow the student to enter if there are extenuating circumstances.
Why don’t you let students attend technical workshops during the first part of the program (Super Trader I)?В.
During Super Trader 1, we want you to focus on first things first. В Doing systems work or trading before you are psychologically ready means you will take more time to finish the program. В If you normally spend 20 hours a week on your psychological work, attending one workshop (about 24 in-class hours over three days—not to mention travel time!) will “cost” more than a week’s worth of work from your psychological assignments. В Not only will that lengthen the time it takes you to finish the Super Trader I requirements, you’ll find your trading will continue to suffer because you are developing systems that contain all of the biases that you have not yet overcome. We have had several students enter the Super Trader program, attend lots of technical workshops, procrastinate or totally avoid the psychological assignments, and then wonder why they can’t trade very well. В If you are truly committed to becoming a Super Trader in every sense of the term, then you have to do your psychological work first. В.
Super Trader 1 candidates can still attend technical workshops – for a fee and some have done so. В В.
What does it take to graduate from the program?
There are now two distinct levels of achievement for the program: completion and graduation. Completing the 20 psychological lessons and documenting five major transformational changes in your life as part of Super Trader 1 elevates you to “completion” status. В This phase has usually helped people achieve the objective of massive personal transformation. В В People who complete Super Trader 1 tend to say that what happened to them during this phase is priceless. В В.
After completing Super Trader 1, however, you are still nowhere near graduating the program. To become a graduate, a Super Trader has to create a business handbook and have actively traded three approved trading systems at a very high efficiency level.
If I complete the program, will I be able to trade other people’s money?
What you learn in the program could help you trade other people’s money and help you manage your clients. В I have not structured the program, however, to teach you how to set up a money management business. Our emphasis is on your psychology and efficient, mistake-free trading – which would certainly benefit anyone who wants to manage other people’s money – which some of my former Super Traders have gone on to do. В В.
I have read that Dr. Tharp invests his money with Super Trader graduates. Is that true?
No, not anymore. I trade my own funds and manage VTI’s retirement funds but I no longer place money with others.
Is it a disadvantage to go through the program if I live outside the US?
About half of the people in the Super Trader program right now live overseas. Recently, we have had seven Super Traders from Australia, six from various countries in Asia, one from South America, and a number more from Europe.
We take several measures to ease the burden of long distance travel on our international Super Traders. В First, much of the information exchange for the program can be done by email and Skype. We also have an online collaboration web site for the Super Traders, which is always available, regardless of location. В Libby Adams’ 28-day course is done by Skype.
Second, because frequent travel to the US can be a hardship for our international Super Traders, we almost always present workshops in pairs so one trip here allows attendance at two workshops. Also, we hold Super Trader-only workshops in conjunction with the Super Trader Summit which always falls in the first week of December. В В.
Finally, we typically present two or three workshops once each year in Australia and in Europe.
What are the most common commitment-point obstacles in the program?
When people are working on their personal issues, they run into obstacles. В В Many are not willing to work through the obstacles and instead they dance around them. В В And thus, they could take years of working on their own to do what could be done in one year with a coach and a structured program. В В We now give our candidates three years, but if psychological obstacles stop them, then they won’t progress until they break through the resistance they are experiencing. В The most common obstacle to progress is people trying to escape from resisting certain issues rather than being willing to feel certain feelings and go through whatever comes up for them.
What if something happens and someone can’t continue the program?
See the section on sabbaticals, which includes details on the two opportunities you have to leave the program, should something major arise.
What percentage of the program requires tasks, activities, efforts, etc. that only Dr. Tharp can do?
Right now I am the only one who monitors the Super Trader lessons. В В And I am also the only one who can monitor the self-sabotage exercises in Peak 101,however, we are taking steps to make sure others are prepared to help handle those roles in the near future.
What if something happens to Dr. Tharp while I’m in the program?
There are risks to everything, and this is a risk you would be taking. В В In the event that something happened to me, you could simply stop payments if you felt disadvantaged by continuing the program. В My company has been working actively to provide a lot of structure to the program and have others start helping me with the Super Traders so they could continue in the program if anything happened to me in the near term.
Since Dr. Tharp is nearing retirement age, how can I be sure that Dr. Tharp will be committed to the program for another 4 to 6 years and won’t decide to retire? В.
Furthermore, I have no desires to retire. В I have the freedom to do only what I love to do so I feel like I’m already living the ultimate retirement. В В В All aspects of the business that I don’t want to be involved in have been handled by a very capable staff for a number of years already. В.
Most of our Super Traders who have completed the first half of the program would argue that the benefits of the twenty lessons alone are well worth the price for the entire program. В You get all that in just the first one to three years.
Have any participants had problems with Van’s emphasis on Oneness?
A few students have resisted that aspect of the program. В I believe their fear-based spiritual beliefs cause them to miss out on one of the most powerful aspects of change. В В This probably describes about 5% of the current Super Trader candidates. В В Participating in the Oneness blessing is not a requirement for the program. В Your decision whether or not to participate and the reasons behind it, however, are aspects I would consider in evaluating your commitment to working on yourself.
Oneness accelerates the transformation process, which is the object of the program. В I have seen the most dramatic shifts in short periods of time the Super Traders since we started using Oneness processes. В Almost no problems exist among those students who understand the impact the Oneness awakening tools have on transformation. В В One Super Trader has experienced such a monumental shift in his consciousness that he stopped trading completely and has become totally involved with the Oneness movement. В.
What percentage of students who have completed the Super Trader program go on to graduate and meet the criteria of trading at 95% efficiency in 100 trades over three systems? В.
For a long time, Super Traders were allowed to just attend all of our workshops for two years and work with me to solve any issues they felt they needed to address. В В They determined what they wanted and needed from the program. В There was neither an official completion point nor a graduate status like we have today. В People were happy with two years of exposure to our programs and my coaching.
In about 2008, I started adding Super Trader lessons and completion requirements for them to the program. В In 2009, we developed the separate ideas of completion and then a level of achievement beyond simply “doing all the lessons” to complete the program. В One year later, we came up with the strong criteria for graduation and that’s what you read about now. В В В В.
Since 2009, we have had around fifteen Super Traders officially complete Super Trader 1.В Some people get to that point and are very happy with their transformed lives and trade on their own or go on to other projects. В For example, one person is writing a novel, another is focused on developing a food business – though both still trade. Others want to achieve the level of trading required for Super Trader graduation. В In 2013, we have seven names on the “Super Trader Graduate” plaque in our training room and there will be more going on in the next year. В.
What percentage of students has failed to complete to the Super Trader training because of the 95% efficient trade criterion?
Second, this question assumes that 95% trading efficiency is a stumbling block, but it’s not. В Personal issues are the stumbling block. В В By the time candidates have documented five significant transformations, overcoming trading mistakes are truly minor problems. Overcoming mistakes typically is a huge issue, however, for traders who haven’t made the kind of massive transformation expected in Super Trader I.
Third, most of the people who completed the program but didn’t graduate seemed to just stop doing Super Trader work after the two year program in the past or after finishing Super Trader 1 now. В Those who stopped, for the most part have been very happy with their accomplishments. В For example, a local real estate businessman went through the old program and said he was the only developer among his regional peers who did not go bankrupt in 2008/2009.В He credits the survival and growth of his business to what he learned in the Super Trader program. В Even though he never completed the entire psychological portion of the program, he came back to our offices two years later to explore creating a program like Super Trader 1 for people in professions outside trading. В His story says a lot to us about the effectiveness of the program for helping people transform their lives. В.
Of those Super Traders whose business plans and systems I have approved, probably 70% of them reach graduation. В There’s been only one person that the specific 95% efficiency criteria proved to be the identifiable roadblock for graduation. В He had met all of the graduation criteria in less than 18 months - except for the 95% trading efficiency. В В He then decided to withdraw from the program and just trade his own way at that point. В В He’s probably doing much better than he ever could have without having done all of the Super Trader work. В.
How many Super Trader graduates have maintained that 95% level of efficiency after graduating?
After graduation, Super Traders no longer have to turn in any results. В Because they have graduated from the program, however, these traders understand the importance of high efficiency trading and they also have the knowledge about how to resolve any trading problems that come up. В Trading successfully is an exercise in internal control and they have already tackled far more challenging tasks simply by completing Super Trader 1 and meeting the graduation criteria. В.
If I’m interested in the Super Trader program, what do I need to do?
The first step is to attend a Peak Performance 101 Workshop or Oneness Awakening Workshop. Usually during a lunch at these workshops, I meet with anyone who is interested to talk about the Super Trader program. В If you are still interested after that, then you would complete a commitment statement and the application. We look for the depth of your commitment, the strength of your discipline, and your willingness to do the psychological work that ensures your success in this program. In addition, the program should make financial sense for you.
If you meet the entry criteria and you are ready to start, we will look for an upcoming month with an open slot. We only accept two new candidates into the program each month, so space is limited. В As a result, you be accepted but you may have to wait a few months before officially starting the program. В.
What if I have more questions, can I just email them to you?
I meet with people who are interested in the Super Trader program during the workshops and answer all their questions at that time. People truly committed to personal transformation and trading excellence will find a way to attend either Peak 101 or the Oneness Workshop to get their questions answered. Also, you may call or email my office and a VTI team member will be happy to help get your questions answered.
We look forward to meeting you at an upcoming Oneness Awakening or Peak Performance workshop.
Most of you have probably heard me say that trading isn’t easy. В Considering how simple it is to go into a brokerage company, open an account, and—as soon as you figure out the buy and sell buttons—start trading, you’d think that even an E-Trade “baby” could do it, but without experience and training, your results will probably be disastrous.
We believe that good trading takes as much training as any other profession. В In fact, Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers suggests that it probably takes 10,000 hours of great practice to really be “super” at anything. В We tend to agree.
With that in mind, I recently looked at the Van Tharp Institute curriculum to see how much time it would really take to finish everything we recommend, because we recently expanded the Super Trader program from two years to as much as six years. В The extra time gives people more time to finish the entire set of graduation requirements.
Let’s take a look at the program curriculum, starting with the basic material. В The table below shows each of the items we offer or recommend, what they cost, and the number of hours it would take to complete the course/workshop and master the material. В Mastering the material includes the time necessary after the workshop to really integrate the material.
Number of Times Necessary.
Tharp Think Essentials Webinar.
Plus read core books (Super Trader and Trade YourВ Way to Financial Freedom, Trading Beyond the Matrix)
Basic E-learning В ABCs of Trading.
We first recommend taking our ABCs e-learning course if you know nothing about trading and investing. В That takes about 25 hours to go through and it only costs $50.В В Then we recommend reading books like Trading Beyond the Matrix, Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom and Super Trader. В Taking the Tharp Think Essentials video workshop would be helpful. В Notice that if you mastered all of this, it would take you about 145 hours or a little nearly a month to doВ full time. Tharp Think refers to a set of principles that define the approach to trading Van teachs through courses and workshops. Tharp Think involves discovering who you are as a trader, understanding risk, managing risk, and learning how to make your personal psychology work for you.
The next step is to master yourself and this is the part that takes Super Trader candidates so long to do. В The next table includes our offering in that area.
Number of Times Necessary.
Peak Performance 101 Workshop.
Peak Performance 202 Workshop.
Peak Performance 203 Workshop.
3, plus 6-week follow-up.
Peak Performance 204 Workshop.
3, plus 6-week follow-up.
Trading Genius Workshop.
3, plus 6-week follow-up.
Libby Adam’s 28 day Transformation Course.
28 days at 2.5 hrs per day = 8.75 workdays.
Peak Performance Home Study Course.
2 mo. at 2 hr/day.
Peak Performance Home Study Course with Super Trader Lessons.
20 hrs per lesson.
The cost column has the list price first and then the early enrollment discount we usually give in parentheses. В “Hours Required” represents how many hours it usually takes to complete the course and all of its assignments, and “Number of Times Necessary” represents the number of times, in Van's experience, most people need to take each course before they master the material. В For example, the Peak 203 workshop is three days long, but it also has a six-week follow up course; together, they take about 140 hours to complete. However, most people need to take the workshop three times before mastering all of the material, so the total number of hours for Peak 203 is 3x140, or 420 hours.
We recommend that people take each of our psychological workshops as many as three times. В Why? В Because you get more out of them each time you take them. You evolve and change, so each instance ends up being like a different workshop. В However, that doesn’t mean that a person won’t get a tremendous amount out of any workshop the first time through. В Most do, and it just depends upon how well you apply yourself to the material.
Van has put A Course in Miracles in the curriculum, but it could just as easily be the Sedona Method course, or anything else that you work on perhaps 1-2 hours per day. В Also two examples of the Peak Performance Course are given. В People probably spend about 120 hours on the course but they skip a lot—including most of the material that is critical for their personal growth. В And that’s why when people finally get it, they’ve usually put in about 360 hours, or done it three times. В The other alternative, which is to have Van review 20 completed Super Trader lessons, is available for Super Trader candidates only.
Notice that the psychological section of the Super Trader program takes about 2,570 hours, or about 1.25 years to complete, and that the total time for these two sections is now about 1.5 years of full-time work. В That may seem like a lot of effort, however, that year of psychological work improves everything in your life and Super Traders end up being much happier people. В Let’s move on to our workshops that cover important and basic trading topics that apply to any trading business.
Number of Times Necessary.
Blueprint For Trading Success Workshop.
25-hr workshop + 125 hrs of assignments = 150 hrs.
2x25-hr workshop + 125 hrs = 175 hrs.
How To Develop A Winning System Workshop.
Systems Home Study Course.
Position Sizing Strategies (Definitive Guide book and Position Sizing eLearning Course)
The Blueprint course gives you an overview of everything you need to be successful as a trader and prepares you to write a business plan. В The Blueprint course is about 25 hours long, but it probably takes 125 hrs (or more) to do all the exercises and complete a business plan for 150 hrs. В Most people have to attend the workshop twice to finish off a great business plan, so the total number of hours required to complete the material is about 175. We also recommend studying the How to Develop A Winning Trading System home study course andВ all our material on Position sizing, which includes the Introduction to Position Sizing Strategies eLearning course and the Definitive Guide to Position Sizingв„ў book. To master all of the material in these workshops, courses, and books, it would take about 373 hours, or about ten weeks working at it full-time.
The next section of the Super Trader II program is our technical section.
Number of times to master.
Day Trading Systems.
1 w/live trading.
Live Day Trading Systems.
Core Trading Systems Video.
Swing Trading Systems Video.
Forex Systems Workshop.
Bear Market Systems Workshop.
$23,480 (not including planned workshops.
Right now, we have five technical workshops, including the Forex workshop..В.
Day Trading Systems introduces all of Ken Long’s short term systems that can be traded mechanically. В His live trading workshop teaches how those same systems can be traded with some discretion. Ken’s teaches long-term systems that only require attention once a week or less in his Core Systems Workshop now available via video.
Bear Market Strategies is designed to show you how to cope with volatile bear markets and down markets.
Notice that Van has listed 790 hours to master the technical section. В That now puts our total of all three sections at 3,879 hours, or nearly two years of full-time work.
And now let’s look at the last section, which consists of Super-Trader-only workshops.
Super Trader Summit.
Options Workshop (recorded)
TOTAL Super Trader Only Events.
$50,209 (not including planned workshops)
We recommend that most of our candidates attend the annual three-day Super Trader Summit at least three times. В In addition, we recorded special two-day Options course, which we’ll show again at various summits.
The Super-Trader-only events add another 720 hours. В Now we’re up to 4,485 hours, or 2.25 years to complete our curriculum. В If you add to this another 5,000 hours of excellent trading on your own, you are at Malcolm Gladwell’s tipping point of 10,000 hours.
Incidentally, notice that the total value of everything (taken one time only) is now over $50,000.В Super Traders are permitted to take approved workshops for their phase as many times as they like, so taking every workshop just twice would equal over $100,000. Van’s consulting rate is $20,000 per day or $2250 per hour and you’ll also be getting his time to:
Review your weekly reports Review lessons Review your personal trading planning document Review each system And review your trading logs.
*We only offer Libby’s course once in the Program, but most of the Super Traders do extra work with her so we’ve estimated two times.
Thank you for your interest in the Super Trader Program. В If you have additional questions, we are ready to help by phone (919-466-0043) or by email (vanvantharp).
Your next step is to register for either Peak Performance 101 or Oneness Awakening. Click here to see our workshop schedule.
We look forward to your questions and wish you the very best in your trading endeavors.
Super Trader Summit 2016 Photo.
Click on photo to read a few testimonials.
Van Tharp, Van Tharp Institute, Van TharpeLearning, Position Sizing, and IITM are trademarks of IITM, Inc in the United States and elsewhere.
SQN is a federally registered trademark of IITM, Inc.
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Karen The Supertrader.
Read This Free Report.
Volatility Trading Made Easy - Effective Strategies For Surviving Severe Market Swings.
June 2016 UPDATE – Turns out Karen is under investigation by the SEC. Read the details here and here .
Original article below.
Karen the “Super Trader” has gained some recent fame in the options world, as she generated outsized returns using a simple trading strategy. She has been featured on Tasty Trade twice and quite a few people have asked me about her recently. Her two interviews on Tasty Trade have had a combined 812,000 views on You Tube. The two videos are embedded at the bottom of this post.
Karen initially started with a relatively small investment pool and turned that capital into hundreds of millions of dollars. Her strategy entails collecting income from the options market but the risks she takes are substantial. She started with 100,000 dollars which is still a sizeable amount of capital to start with. She doubled that money relatively quickly and was able to attract capital as she continued to double her returns.
She professes to currently manage 190 million dollars, after making nearly 105 million in profits. Karen only trades options and started focusing on more than 30 underlying assets, which generally included stock indices. She currently only trades three indexes which include the S&P 500 index (SPX), the Nasdaq 100 (NDX) and the Russell 2000 (RUS). Karen currently has two funds. The second fund was created for clients as all of the profits of the first fund go directly into her charity.
Karen the “Super Trader” earns her income from selling options. She would still be regarded as a “retail” trader even though her capital is substantial. She uses the Think or Swim platform and looks for 12% out of the money puts and 10% out of the money calls that are rich in implied volatility to earn time decay which is also known as theta. Time decay is calculated by dividing the premium by the number of days left before the expiration of the option. The main premise of her strategy is to sell in to strength (sell naked calls on up moves) and buy into weakness (sell naked puts on down moves).
It strikes me that if the position continues to move against her, she continues to add to the position, taking on more and more risk. This is a tough strategy and losses pile up at an exponential rate. She has a large amount of capital behind her and can theoretically continue to double down as the market moves against her.
While it is a valid (albeit risky) strategy, she must had some pretty giant sized cojones to be risking $190 million. Naked calls and puts can have their place in your portfolio but for the average retail trader with $100K or less in their account, it would be very difficult to replicate Karen. The risk of blowing out your account is pretty high. Remember “the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent”.
Karen uses Bollinger Bands which is a technical tool to find specific strike prices that are unlikely to be reached based on the current market environment. Bollinger bands are an indicator that shows 2-standard deviations around a 20-day moving average. By using this tool, Karen can find strike prices that are unlikely to be reached, to place trades that are approximately 56 days to expiration.
Another tool Karen uses is charting implied volatility. She uses charts to measure the VXX and OTM volatility charts to find levels when implied volatility is rich or cheap. The technique Karen uses to mitigate risk is avoiding her Lick (Net Liquidating Value). The lick is applied to premium-paid upfront options cleared by an exchange.
Karen strategy is very risky as implied volatility can rise and markets can accelerate wiping out huge amounts of capital generating significant margin calls. A margin call is an amount of capital that will be required by the exchange to hold onto current positions. If the margin call is not made by an investor the position will be liquidated by the exchange involuntarily.
Karen’s strategy is also short gamma which means as the market moves against her, the positions become worse at a greater rate. Karen also experiences large swings in returns, with losses of more than 4% within a month, but the upside returns have been much greater than the adverse returns.
Karen is very matter of fact about her business. She sees the returns as numbers but does not take trading personally. She has a strong trader mindset and seems confident in her style.
Is Karen A Fraud?
There have been some people who think Karen is a fraud. Her results are amazing. The skeptic in me wonders how genuine they are. The romantic in me wants to believe. It’s every traders dream to turn a small account into a multi-million dollar account.
Watch Karen the Supertrader on Tasty Trade.
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I really have no idea how that is possible. In the TOS platform, if I sell a naked Put, the usual margin required is very large. We’re talking that my short Put usually would yield between 1.5% – 2.5% of the margin required. How can she obtain those returns is beyond my understanding. Unless she has some special deal with TOS and is required less margin than usual. For example selling the October SPX 1485 Put right now (10.20% probability to be in the money by expiration) yields 470 dollars but the reduction ins your buying power is almost 21 thousand dollars. So yes about 2% return. And that return is only in that one position! Not the overall portfolio. In order to achieve that return over the whole portfolio she would need to put that trade using all the capital, or several trades like that one, but in the end the idea is the same, marginalizing all your capital in order to obtain a 2% equity growth. The math never worked for me. Like you, the romantic in me also wants to believe the story.
Simple. She has customer portfolio margin and sells short strangles. The margin required is much less than for Reg T accounts. Her magic is in how she manages the positions and her position sizing. That’s every trader’s edge…if you can exploit it. This is the part she holds close to the vest but most can guess at least some of her tactics.
Very true. Good comment TraderX.
Great comment LT. I’ve had a few emails about this article, it’s certainly peaked a lot of people’s interest.
Apparently the Tasty Trade guys asked for proof before interviewing her, which would make sense, they wouldn’t want to ruin their reputation by having a fraud on their show.
I think the story is true.
In terms of margin, I would think she uses deep OTM options to control margin.
Yes, she stated that she “tricks” herself into thinking the market is already 100 points down and then takes her strike price down an additional 10-12%
Karen is on Portfolio Margin so her reduction in BPR is much much less, almost a third of that amount. My fund trades this strategy as well, however, I only risk 10% of my account on this strategy because as the positions move on you, the margin requirement expands, sometimes 2 or 3 times. Karen will be back on Tasty Trade February 11th for a live show at night. Should be a really interesting show being that Tom will finally be breaking into the “how she does it”
Thanks for letting us know about her return appearance on Tasty Trade.
Can you please explain what Portfolio Margin? Obrigado.
Portfolio margin is a reduced margin allowance set federally as a minimum of 100,000 account balance. However Brokers can have more stringent requirements. For instance, TD Ameritrade’s PM requirements start at 125,000, where Interactive brokers start at the FINRA minimum of 100,00. Portfolio Margin is a more leveraged margin calculation that looks at the overall potential risk of an entire portfolio and assigns margin per position accordingly. Portfolio Margin can allow a trader to have up to 6/1 leverage over a trader only using reg-t Margin. The more money you have, the better your margin.
Thanks Erik, great explanation!
She doesnt use TOS anymore is my guess….might have a personal account or something or started with them and investools…but not now.
I wish I were the romantic that Lazy Trader referenced but unfortunately he is right on the money with his example. It seems the comments to his posting are quick to brush it aside but there is no escaping his logic. I am an Actuary and have been using a strategy almost identical to what is described in this article used by Karen for 12 years. While biased to the methodology, I found that the math just doesn’t seem to add up.
To determine an optimal portfolio return, one needs to focus on maximizing capital or in this case margin which represents the minimal capital required. According to the CBOE website regarding margin, a one-sided trade may cost 3.5%-5.5% of an underlying S&P contract, initially. This assumes Reg-T margin. There are many factors impacting the margin %, but the most significant are the inherent probability of success, the type of margin account and how well-balanced your portfolio is. Volatility and Days to Expiration and other factors are assumed to be incorporated into the % chance of success, so they are out of the equation for now.
Switching to Portfolio Margin may significantly improve your results as well as writing on both sides. Only the $ of premium is added to margin for the second side. Assuming a 95% chance of success, premium equal to 10% of margin is not unrealistic. If you have such an account you can see for yourself. A new wrinkle is the portfolio stress test imposed on accounts by trading firms which serves to only increase margins.
The amount of margin could be slightly lower but easily higher especially if the market moves on you. Since you are carrying risk for 2 months out implies a tie down of capital for that period and if replicated continually, i. e., 10% per 2 months, could possibly result in a return of 60% money over a year’s time. Over 3 year’s time, that would be a 4 fold increase in your money. Again, this calculation assumes margin is 100% utilized, no stress hurdles to overcome and every trade unfolds perfectly.
A more reasonable return would be in the neighborhood of 40% as extra cushion is generally needed above the required margin and not every trade goes as planned. More importantly there is a predictability to this return over playing it out long which is what makes short option trading so much more desirable. Consistency trumps alpha.
The Supertrader’s methodology makes perfect sense but unfortunately the dollars don’t. One poster suggests he “thinks” the story is true and another credits the “magic..” to exploitive position management. While there doesn’t appear nor do I believe there is any intent to deceive, the numbers just simply don’t add up. Seller BEWARE that if you are short on both sides of the market, selling strangles as it is, it is a mathematical certainty that you will be limited in your returns unlike going long. Albeit, while the returns over the long haul will be better by being short, the only way you will get $41 million in profits starting from $700k is if someone hands it to you. Tread carefully…the market doesn’t pay us hopeless romantics in kind.
If you don’t understand how she did it you should really get out of this game!
“sell naked calls on up moves” and “sell naked puts on down moves” I don’t get this.. aren’t you supposed to “buy calls on up moves” or “buy puts on down moves” to make money. even theta decay would not catch up on a moving market in either direction in typical 30 – 50 days??
Thanks for your comment.
Karen trades what is sometimes referred to as a “mean reversion” strategy. After a sustained up move, the likely future direction is down and vice versa. She probably doesn’t sell calls on every up day or puts on every down down. Rather, she probably waits for an extended move in one direction before placing her trades.
If a stock or index moves too far away from it’s moving average (50 day, 200 day etc.), chance are that it will eventually revert to the mean, or long-term average.
Buying calls on up moves and buying puts on down moves as you mentioned would be a trend following strategy.
Both are valid ways to trade and each has it’s own advantages and disadvantages.
link me to her website, i wish to visit it.
Sorry, I’m not aware of her website. She may not have one as she is a private trader.
For those that can’t get portfolio margin which is most traders then you can do what she does with es futures. Futures will give you a similar underlying but with margin similar to portfolio margin. Also since 1 es future is 50 instead of 100 contracts you will have more flexibility than spx. As an example one atm option in es will cost.
8400 to open and only 6700 to hold. spx in reg-t margin will cost about 27,000 and portfolio margin will cost about 10,000 to open. Portfolio margin is still better as you would have to trade 2 es contracts to equal 1 spx but futures margin is still only 30% more than portfolio margin and half that of reg-t.
I thought of this but wouldn’t the commissions be very high with all those contracts?
How about just sell call spread or put spread instead of naked call and put? Less capitals and less profit, but safer.
It certainly is Jeff, I think like to have the higher Theta associated with the naked options but they of course carry much more risk.
One important point to keep in mind is that the growth of her assets under management of $100,000 to around $190 million is not purely from trading gains… the majority is from new investment from clients. She has stated her annual returns from trading are in the 25-35% range. In 2013 she returned around 28%. She has returned more in years with higher volatility.
Of course she’s not a fraud, what a stupid suggestion.
I don’t think she’s able right now to deliver those great return. Don’t forget that she was trading over 30 stock at the start, and it’s easier to deliver big return trading stock like aapl, nflx etc whit a small account… Don’t forget that selling option while volatility was surging in 2008-2012 should have been really profitable. I think in 2013-2014, she must have some trouble to deliver 2 digits returns. But her strategy his great for a big account, i’m trying to achieve the same kind of thing. 3 digit return so far this year.
karen’s strategy works.
Is there a way to have your company manage my money. I have 100,000 dollars.
Karen the super trader is no fraud. I googled her, found her name and name of the two funds. Her funds file every year with the SEC, all public records. You can view her 2013 filings.
This story certainly comes over as genuine. One issue is surprising to me. That is much of 2008 was a time when the market made major crashes. And yet she claims she started this strategy in 2007. There is no way she could have made money selling naked or even covered puts in such a major down market. Had she reserved her trades to only selling calls maybe. Buying put options would have been a way to make a huge fortune in 2008 but this is not what she is claiming. Puzzling. 2008 was a tremendous year for trend following systems. Her system is the opposite of that to a significant degree.
Since she claims her approach is conservative presumably the selling of options was hedged. If not both margins are higher and there is a huge risk with limited reward.
And why can I not find her on searches that give more complete information? What is her last name? Did I miss something?
Hi Stuart, I think she is reasonably private. I’m not aware of what her last name is.
This strategy works. Generated 64K in 6 months. Very volatile. And you can see +/- 20% or more swings in one day…
If it’s about put bullspreads and call bearspreads, I can believe something of this story but naked puts are gonna hurt some day. And the fact she’s ads to losing positions, it can cause a margin call so she has to close thing and take a loss.
Maybe, at those difficult moments, she asks the investors to add money into the account so she can survive.
Maybe ‘the market’ tried to hurt people like her with the flashcrash some years ago.
Another thing that’s strange is the fact there’s not even one chart or table of her performance. I hear a lot of big numbers but just give the facts black on white.
And why she would not give her last name and the name of the funds. It would be great marketing for her.
After all, it’s not easy to raise money, or is it? This was in the interview:
He: “Basicly people are throwing money at you right?”
Then a little further she says:
She: “Everybody knows how hard it is raising money, it’s really hard for me to raise money”
So, is it easy or hard.
As long as I can’t see an equity curve of the fund, it’s CRAP and BS !
All fair points Kirk. I think until people see her account statements, there will always be scepticism.
I think the key is money management. Be aware – she sells on both sides of the market but not necessarily at the same time (so although it is a sort of strangle, it is not managed as a strangle. Each side is managed independently).
She sells at a delta of around 0.1-0.15 on either side, and waits for a “significant” directional move in one direction first before selling into that move (employing a “mean reversion” approach).
During the crash of 2008, this would have been the best time to do this because the implied vols would have been massive, meaning that a 0.1 delta at 30-60 days to expiry would have probably translated into strikes being several hundred points away from the current price on the SPX, and would have collected a nice premium to boot.
She has explicitly said that portfolio margin is a big factor in making these returns. She also uses weekly options to manage positions.
In the recent bull market it has been harder to make the gains as the VIX has been low for a long time. In this case they have resorted to using 50-60 day maturities on the put side and weekly options on the call side (or at least less than 30 days).
Thanks for the input Sandman. Yes the VIX explosion in 2008 was a nice time to sell put spreads, as long as you weren’t burnt on the initial move down.
I think the idea of going out 50-60 days makes a lot of sense as the gamma risk is a lot lower. This is good for retail traders who can’t watch the markets all day. The gamma on weekly options is a killer.
Trading the 50-60 options and using weeklies to hedge is a very good strategy.
I think there is more than a fair chance she may be a fraud and possibly even an invention of TastyTrade. Any manager worth her salt would be happy to provide audited returns, especially if only managing 150 million. Managers typically eager to accept more client money until the fund is so large that it hampers trading and is closed to new investors. It’s also worth noting that nowhere has this woman been interviewed other than TastyTrade even though her story is so remarkable that she would have appeared on several TV shows by now.
I apply this strategy and have 85% winners with it but resulting a 1 to max 3.% per win only. Karen uses up to 70% of her capital which to my mind is close to suicide. I personally use some single digit %amounts. An unexpected 20% decline or even worse a nasty row of small declines with a sudden change in volatility plus spiking interest rates would kill. Over a 10 years period this is almost sure happening and there is no way out as premiums go up and roll overs not affordable anymore.
See Tasty Trade Aug ’14 interview with Karen. She uses futures to hedge her positions. She also believes that market circuit breakers will prevent a drop greater than 10% in one day. She also keeps 50% in cash.
A hedge can pay more than the loss. With the 50% cash available, she can take advantage of the opportunity that a crash opens. After a market crash, reverse the hedge.
I used this strategy purely inspired by her you tube interview–I made 300% in about 12 months trading dax naked puts –I failed few months ago when I sold puts and market went more down as a hedge I sold 10400 strike calls market was 8400 at the time –after that market reversed up and those f. calls killed me At expiration they were both out of money but margin and stress was too much on calls . Strategy would worked out perfectly if I didnt take calls (timing was very bad )I was too gready and that `hedge` payed in the past about 32 % a month i ve done it only once –and market didnt go up like crazy. Anyway what I wanted to say is that strtegy works but sooner or later you have to be prepared for some unexpected market moves in any direction and you must have a plan before you take a position. I thought I have one but huge bounce prove me wrong. And it was my hedge strategy that has failed not initial trade if I did not hedge just wait another 3 day I would made anoother 20 % a month.
Good luck traders.
Other than smaller sizing most traders over hedge on a draw down and that turns out to be their other biggest mistake. The best thing to do is give your self a longer time to be correct and maintain the original position and direction. The whole option market works best as a hedge mechanism or defend defend defend…Now we want to make money out of that philosophy. Doable but it requires a different mindset and approach.
The first thing to realize about this story is that she has not personally generated $100M starting from $100K. Most of the money she is managing is from investors, so most of the profits are from other people’s investments. She is probably generating around 30% a year while taking a lot of risk. I don’t know if that makes sense in the long run.
Excellent comment Carlos. It’s Finance 101 isn’t it? The higher the return, the higher the risk you have to take. If she is generating 30% or greater per year, she is taking on a lot of risk. Hopefully her investors realize that.
I watched the Karen Super Trader videos several times last year and believe she is real. Her strategy is along the lines of the Turtle Trader Rules. A few things I got from her video outside of the Turtle Trader Rules are:
1. Retail accounts are monitored constantly by Brokers for risk management (for the benefit of the Brokers, not for account holders). For certain TDAmeritrade account size, there will be a human broker assigned to monitor the accounts daily.
2. Must have sufficient capital. Karen keep her accounts 50% or more in non-leverage cash.
3. Each option play is settled 10 days or more before expiration either by high probability of expiring worthless or well hedged so that worst case is a small profit.
4. Call and Put option plays are treated separate and independent from each other.
5. Option strike price is at least one variation unit (out of the money) from current price.
6. Put option is purchased with minimum 6 weeks from expiration and Call options are about 2 week minimum from expiration.
7. Trade only Index options to qualify for benefit of the 1256 tax treatment: 60% long term 40% short term from trading gain/loss of 1256 qualified (non-equity) options.
7. Need a lot of patience and self discipline coupled with strong risk management to get 15 to 30 percent annual gain.
8. Karen uses the word “harvesting” for her trading process. This means her performance depends on the size of market volatility, not the direction.
Karen’s day job was an accountant, she probably has a better conceptualization for the numbers than the average trader?
If you manage other people’s money with more than 100M$, you need get registered with SEC/Finra or NFA/CFTC. So far we only know her first name and that is very strange. Where to find her registration information? Auditing information etc? Without that, it is very fishy…
Karen’s last name is Bruton.
She has made so much money and continues to amass such good returns that she is sharing her wealth through her charitable missions. Look up her name and you will find her website.
Her story is incredible and not for everyone.
I don’t need to make 100’s of millions…i’d be happy doubling my account every few years so that I would not need to work for others any longer.
I love how humble and simple she is in her approach. But make no mistake, she is no dummy.
She knows how to manage her trades without letting emotions get in her way.
Every options writer needs to know how to turn a losing trade into a win or a break even.
My 2cents worth!
Does anyone know of a fund or manager that uses a similar strategy but with less risk to manage our funds? Obrigado.
i saw this interview and wish the moderator would shut up and let Karen speak. she really didn’t get to say much and didn’t seem to care that the guy just talked away the whole interview. i’ve seen him 2 or 3 other times and it’s the same thing. he talks too much. so i really didn’t learn much of Karen’s trading plan. i know nothing about her and have no opinion but i would have loved to hear specifically what her trading strategy was and her hedge/adjustment strategies are to that particular strategy.
but i did learn most of her stock investing education was useless. i think she says she trades only indexes and plays to keep ALL the premium. now how she does this i was never told. low, low delta ICs? hedging? idk. wish she was more specific.
Read the comments, um so noteworthy points…Karen only started with $100k, she made $40k the her first year. The results were so impressive, wealthy clients and others started throwing money at here is a very large way. Within 2 years she had $300million under management and $600+million under management a few years later. That’s how successful she was/is.
These large trades are not uncommon in the larger indexes. Look at the SPX weeklies on any given day, you can see.
50 days out, there are credit spreads being put on that receive $9-13million in credit against $100-150million BPR or capitol at risk. These trades are easy to spot at SPX right now of 2100 in the 1800-1870 range and 2180-2220 range. These trades are very easy to spot everyday. These are not Karens trades, as she trades naked strangles 100-500 contracts at a time. To put on Karens trades, you need a counter party, these are large PROP trading companies like Citadel, » Susquehanna, and others who have 10s of billions and make markets to facilitate a liquid/efficient market place.
Most of Karens trades are in the 100-250 contracts at a time collecting.
$300k and putting up $1-5million margin, BPR or capitol at risk, however you want to look/call it. Then she’ll ladder up or down depending on the market moves. She will close the trade when she makes 25-50% profit. When your trading at SPX 1820 puts, your just managing winners. It takes a really severe flash crash or recession for her to have “margin call”, which hasent happened in 6 years. She also said she adjust the tested calls or puts at 30% Delta, so that also givesw more room to adjust losing trades if there need be.
Great comment Trader QA.
Hey lazy trader…. you could always buy a call against it . that reduces the margin requirements.
Shorting options is something that can generate positive expected return by with enormous risk… I also short options but with careful hedging and I’m not making money as fast as her.
Is there any sense in doing an opposite strategy where you sell calls while following the down trend, and sell puts while following the up trend? I would imagine that you would have lower premiums with this type of strategy, but greater success, at least until you hit the point of mean reversion.
Yes you could do this. As you said you would have to watch for the mean reversion. Bear market rallies could kill your calls.
Well now we don’t have to question it anymore. She’s a fraud….Read the article below.
i can tell you this, i have been trading OPTIONS ONLY since 1995 and through TOS using portfolio margin since Jan of 2014.
AND 80% of what i trade is naked SPX both sides,, 10% is NDX and the other 10% is on stock options during earning season. the way TD has the risk parameters set , if you sell WAY out of the $ on both sides , you’ll be lucky to get 1-2%/mo THATS IT, . i had 3 losing months trading this exact strategy since 1998.. for what karen is doing, its taking on way too much risk,, im way more OTM, besides there is a bug with the TOS platform, theres a inverse volatility curve on way OTM puts, so as the mkt goes higher the maintenance on the naked puts INCREASES,, yeah i know its wrong. yeah its something that i have talked numerous times to the PM team and they all know the issue and no fix is in place.
I hate to say “I told you”.. but I did.. over a year ago:
This incident is self evident of the fact that people who get attracted to Options Selling by the words of so called experts should be on toes before committing any money to be handled.
Its much better to be mentored by an expert like Gavin and understand the in & out of Options trading and venture out for a consistent income.
Rick, if 1-2% per month includes the losses then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! Or were you referencing this to the supposed returns Karen had racked up? Sorry if I misunderstood.
Speaking of criminal, it’s too bad TOS can’t get their margining straight. You’re not the only one I’ve heard complain of that, either.
Just a reminder that if you get to big the government will look at you. True or not, This is a negative.
This one cracked me up… Karen the “day trading superstar” lol.
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Closed my Oct BB (a few moments ago) for 34% profit…that is the best of the 3 BBs I traded since Gav taught us the strategy…so, the next coffee or beer on me, Gav 🙂
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